Food Blogger
Hey there ! My name is Imani Musime and I started my blog 'MUSIME'S TASTY KITCHEN'' to share my love for cooking with you. I love creating new recipes , recreating others and experimenting with lots of colour and flavour!
I developed an interest for cooking when I was around 5 years old thanks to my mom. I always loved observing her as she cooks and would try and imitate her! The one thing I remember is how she would make some snowman cakes for me and my sister for our birthdays and that made me want to learn even more! I also would read some of the recipe books lying around in the house and watch numerous cooking shows; Hells Kitchen being a personal favourite. I have not gone to any school to study anything to do with culinary arts so everything I make I learnt through observation,experimentation, trial and error and lastly lots of practice!
Join me in the kitchen every Week with new and exciting recipes!"
Follow me on my social media hundles below , subscribe to this blog and let's hang out doing what we love!