This week i was really craving chicken and rice. I wanted it colourful and flavourful so I created this one pot chicken and rice recipe. A one pot recipe simply means that all the ingredients come together in one pot instead of cooking two dishes separately. The chicken and rice came together beautifully in the oven. The rice was very fluffy and the chicken was juicy and flavourful. The ingredients in this recipe are not cast in stone so feel free to tweak things here and there according to your liking and according to what you have on hand. Whats important is the procedure! Let's get started!
6-8 chicken pieces(thighs/breast/drumsticks)
2 tbs vegetable oil for frying
1 tbs lemon juice
1 tbs mustard
2 tbs vegetable oil
1 -2 tbs honey
2 tbs ginger garlic paste( 4 garlic cloves + 1/4 of a ginger grated)
Hand full chopped dania/ cilantro
Leaves of 1 rosemary sprig(2 tbs Dryed rosemary/ mixed herbs)
1 tbs coriander powder
1 tbs cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp Cayenne powder
salt and pepper to taste.
1/1/2 cups rice
2/1/2 cups water
1 chicken cube
1 large onion minced
4 garlic cloves(minced/grated)
1/2 large red bell pepper(1 small red bell pepper)
1/2 large yellow bell pepper( 1 small yellow bell pepper) note: Bell peppers can be substituted or accompanied by carrots, peas or any vegetable of your choice.
1 tbs tomato paste
Small pinch of salt to taste
Combine all your marinade ingredients in a large bowl. Add in your chicken and marinate for at least 1 hour in the fridge.
After your chicken has marinated Pre heat your oven to 180 degrees C/ 350 degrees F.
Meanwhile heat up your vegetable oil in a non stick pan/pot. sear your chicken pieces on each side till browned on both sides. Once browned remove your chicken pieces from your pan and set aside.
In the same pan/pot add in your onion, belle peppers or any vegetable of your choice and saute' until slightly softened. Add in your garlic and sauté for 30 seconds.
Add in your tomato paste and saute for 1 min on low heat.
Add in your chicken cube and water. Stir and simmer for 8-10 min.
As this is simmering wash your rice. It is recommended to wash your rice three times to remove surface dirt as well as reduce the starch content which can cause sticking of rice.
Once you rice is clean, strain out the water and place rice in a large enough casserole dish/ baking dish. Add in your simmering stew and stir. Add your chicken pieces on top. Cover with aluminium foil shiny side down and bake for 30 min at 180 degrees C/ 350 degrees F.
After 30 min remove foil and bake open for 20-25 more min.
Don't have a baking dish or casserole dish? You can use any thick based sufuria/ pan that is oven safe and follow the exact procedure.
Once your chicken and rice is ready, remove chicken pieces and fluff the rice gently with a fork. Add back your chicken pieces and serve hot! Enjoy!