In this weather we have been having in Nairobi all you want is something delicious to enjoy with your cup of tea or coffee to keep you warm and snug in the cold. Bread rolls are such a perfect alternative to regular bread, whether it be cinnamon rolls, strawberry rolls, rasberry rolls, blueberry rolls etc. This recipe is simple enough for you to make on your own at home! Plus nothing beats freshly baked bread! Let's get started!
4 cups all purpose flour
1 cup warm milk
2/1/2 tsp. active dry yeast
1/2 cup + 1 tsp white sugar
2 large eggs
1/4 cup + 1 tbs melted butter(margarine)
1/2 tsp. salt
3tbs strawberry jam
1/2 cup fresh chopped strawberries
zest of one lime
1cup icing sugar
4-6 tbs milk
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
-Measure one cup of warm milk and place into a large bowl. To your milk add 1 tsp of sugar and your active dry yeast. Stir and leave to sit for 10 min until the mixture begins to foam at the top. This is proof that the yeast has been activated.
(Make sure your milk is not too hot as this will kill the yeast; lukewarm- warm milk is advised.)
-After 10 min add in your melted butter, eggs, and sugar into your milk mixture and whisk everything evenly until well combined.

-Into another bowl, sift your all purpose flour and salt and mix evenly. Gradually incorporate your flour into your liquid mixture as you stir with a wooden spoon as the dough will be sticky.
.-Once your dough is firm enough dust your surface generously with all purpose flour and begin to knead the dough for 10- 15 min until you have a smooth, soft and supple dough.
-Grease a large bowl with oil, add in your dough and cover with a dump cloth. Leave tour dough to rise in a warm corner of your kitchen for an hour or so until the dough has doubled in size.
- After around an hour, dust your surface generously with all purpose flour and roll out your dough into a rectangular shape.
-Spread your jam over your dough, evenly place your strawberries and sprinkle some fresh lime zest on top. Lime zest helps to bring out the strawberry flavour more!
-Fold your dough into a cylindrical shape. Cut your dough into even pieces using a sharp knife or a string as shown in my cinnamon rolls recipe.
-Grease your baking tray with oil or line with parchment paper. Place you rolls on your baking tray and cover with a cloth. Leave to rise for one hour in a warm place.

-Once rolls have risen, brush over melted butter on the top.
-Pre-heat oven to 180 degreesC/ 360 degreesF and bake for 20 -25 min until rolls are golden brown.
-In a bowl whisk together your icing sugar, milk and vanilla essence until smooth. You may also add 1/4 cup of cream cheese if you'd like.
-Spread your glaze over your warm strawberry rolls and enjoy!
