I have always had a love hate relationship with anything coconut. I grew up hating it and would rather be caught dead than found eating coconut or any of it's minions! I would watch my friends enjoy it at home or when we would visit the coast. My skin would just crawl at the smell or sight of the fruit, kind of like how i feel about fried eggs, but that's a story for another day.
It is only until recently that iv'e been able to device ways of infusing my recipes with it's minions(coconut cream and coconut milk) and i'm happy to say that your girl loves it now! I can't believe iv'e been missing out on this goodness all my life! Hey but better late then never, am i right?
This week I made some delicious coconut fried rice using Dawaat basmati rice and as for the results; just keep on reading to find out!
prep time:10 min
cook time 30 min
Total time: 40 min
serves 3
1 cup Dawaat basmati rice
1/12 cups water
4 tbs. of coconut cream
2 to3 well diced carrots
2 chopped large spring onions
2 garlic cloves chopped
1/2 a green bell pepper chopped
1/2 an orange bell pepper chopped
handfull of chopped dania
1 tsp. cumin powder
1 tsp. cardamon powder
1tsp. black pepper
vegetable oil
salt to taste
The first thing to consider before making fried rice is that it is better to use old rice than fresh rice especially if you want your fried rice to be nice and fluffy. I'd advise you to cook the coconut rice a day before you intend to fry it . That said let's get started.
-Wash the rice with running water to help get rid of excess starch and drain out the excess water.
-Heat up 1 tbs. vegetable oil in a sufuria and add in your basmati rice. Mix in your rice with the vegetable oil until the rice is well coated. ( This is a pro tip on making Mchele moja moja as people like to call it.)

-Add in your coconut cream and coat the rice evenly .
- Proceed to add 1 cup and a half of water and a pinch of salt and cook under medium heat until most of the water has evaporated from the rice. Once about 3/4 of the water has evaporated, cover the rice and cook on low heat for 15- 20 min.

Note: Wait at least 10 min after the rice is done before opening it.
-Leave your rice to cool on the counter before placing it in the fridge overnight. Don't worry if you need the rice immediately; you can refrigerate for at least one hour before stir frying the rice.
-It's time to get things frying! The first thing will be to chop up your carrots, spring onion, garlic, green bell peppers , orange bell peppers and dania.

-Fry your carrots, spring onion, garlic and bell peppers in 2 tbs or vegetable oil until they are slightly softened.
- Once your veggies have softened add in your black pepper, cumin powder and cardamon powder and let the spices to cook for about 5 min under medium heat.

-Add in your coconut rice and mix in evenly with your vegetables. At this point add your chopped dania and mix it in well. Serve when hot with whatever stew you'd like! I had mine with some chilli goat curry and it was phenomenal! I'm a strong believer that you eat with your eyes first so presentation is everything! I served my coconut vegetable fried rice inside coconut shells(which I cracked myself ) for that aesthetic appeal!
I hope you enjoy this recipe. You know the drill if you have any questions or comments about this recipe hit me up on my social media handles below. Until next time loves, goodbye!
