MUM:"Will you have chips or bhajia?" MUSIME: "Bhajia!" This is how it has been since I was small. I remember this is always how it wet down every time we would pass by Mc fryz on a Sunday after church. Those days Mc Fryz was the place! However, when I was 10 years old, me and my friends found the ultimate bhajia spot in Nairobi. The shop was owned by an Indian man and his son and he served the most delicious Maru bhajias ever. Every Saturday after class that was the Place to be! His bhajias were always fresh, hot, crispy and seasoned perfectly! Unfortunately he moved back to India and his shop was no more. I had been looking for a new place to get some good Maru bhajias but non of them were as good. Recently, I decided to make my own interpretation of his Maru bhajias and this is what we are going to be making today! Let's get started!
6-7 medium-sized potatoes
1 finely chopped onion
5 grated garlic cloves
1tbs freshly grated Ginger
2-3 green chillies chopped
2tbd freshly squeezed lemon juice
1tbs salt
1/2 tsp. Black pepper
1tbs. Turmeric
1/2 cup chopped coriander leaves
1/2 cup gram flour
-Peel your potatoes and slice them into thin circular potato circles. Soak them for 5 min in a bowl of cold water immediately after to get rid of excess starch.( This helps the bhajias become more crispy.)
- Strain out your water. And set your potatoes aside .
- In a food processor, combine your, onion, garlic, ginger,chili and lemon juice. Process until everything is combined in a paste.
- Place your potatoes in a large bowl. Seasons with salt and pepper.
-Add in your Turmeric power, (onion, garlic, ginger,chilli, lemon juice) paste and coriander leaves. Mix everything with your hands until well combined.
- Add your gram flour and mix once again ensuring your potatoes are all well coated.
- Heat up a frying pan with oil. Add in your bhajias one by one and fry for 2-3min pet round until nice and golden.( Do not overload your pan with bhajias. Cook your bhajias in 3-4 rounds. Adding yor bhajias one by one prevents them from sticking together.)
-Once ready, remove from the oil and place on a plate lined with a kitchen napkin to absorb excess oil.
Enjoy with whatever sauce you fancy!
