Who doesn’t like burgers? If you know such a person please ask them to seek medical help as it may be a serious medical condition! Burgers are all about having a juicy flavourful patty, layers of your favourite toppings,sauces and good quality buns. I can never say no to a good burger....NEVER! Especially homemade burger since they are cheaper and can be tailored to your own preference. Today we are making my favourite beef burger recipe. This bugger has a delicious patty, homemade marinara sauce, caramelised onions, fresh crispy lettuce, juicy tomatoes and toasted buns.
TIME:20-25 min
- 6 burger buns
-0.8kg-1kg fresh quality minced beef
-Generous pinch of salt
-1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp. Chilli powder
-4 grated garlic cloves
-1 tsp freshly grated ginger
-1 tbs. tomato paste
- Handful fresh chopped dania/coriander leaves -1 egg(room temperature)
-1/4 cup breadcrumbs
-Fresh lettuce
-marinara sauce/ ketchup/mayonnaise
-Caramelised onions
-Fresh tomatoes
-3 large red/ white onions
-2 tbs veg oil
-1 tbs butter/ margarine
-Pinch of salt
-Dash of soy sauce ( optional)
-Cut your onions into thin circular rings.
-Heat up your oil and butter in a large pan. Add in your onions and sauté under low heat.
-Heat up your oil and butter in a large pan. Add in your onions and sauté under low heat.—Occasionally turn the onions so that they cook evenly..Occasionally turn the onions so that they cook evenly.
-Once your onions begin to soften sprinkle some salt and stir. Add a dash of soy sauce ( optional) , stir once more and leave to caramelise until your onions obtain a glossy, golden appearance. Remove from your pan and set aside.

-Place your minced beef in a large bowl. Season generously with salt and your black pepper.
-Add in your chilli powder, garlic, ginger, tomato paste and cho dania. Mix everything well with your hands until we’ll combined.
-Crack open an egg and mix in to your beef.
-Add in your breadcrumbs and knead your minced beef well until everything is well combined.

- Divide your beef into 6 equal portions. Form a ball with each portion of your beef.
- Flatten the balls using the palm of your hands. create a dent in the middle of your patty. The small dent( dimple) helps the burger cook Evenly and helps the patty hold its shape.

-Heat up your skillet( pan ) or grill. Grease your your skillet with vegetable oil.
-Place your patties on your skillet. Leave to grill for 5-6 min per side.
-Once your patties are done remove and leave to rest for 3min.

-Once your patties are all done. Butter your buns and toast them in the same skillet/grill as the one you cooked your patties in.
-Before we begin to assemble our burgers. Make sure to sterilise your tomatoes and lettuce. Soak them in a large bowl filled with water and and a teaspoon of salt For10min.
Strain our the water and leave your lettuce to air dry . Cut your tomatoes into circular shapes.
-Assemble your burgers in this order; bottom bun, marinara sauce( your preferred sauce),lettuce, caramelised onions, burger patty, more sauce, lettuce, caramelised onions and finally your patty.
- Enjoy with a side of your choice. I served mine with crispy potato wedges!
